The Ghost of Christmas Past

On the last of the 12 days of Christmas, it is fitting that we are visited by The Ghost of Christmas Past. This enchanting spirit is the first of three Ghostly visitors that appear to Scrooge in Charles Dickens’ story, A Christmas Carol.

The Ghost of Christmas Past personifies our tonality of memory, and the power nostalgia holds over us, to glamorize with a softly dim glow, our fond rememberings of distant days gone by, what is lost to us and longed for… an era that will never be again. This past holds the key to what we seek in the future.

The Ghost of Christmas Past; Crysta Luke; © Robin Davis

As our past becomes the present, it sets the way for the future. Here she is the link between the old year and the new. She looks back to honor the memory of the old year gone, and our lessons learned, but she also holds forward the keys to the opening of the new year. A happy synchronicity of being comes when we value the nature of time, and respect each moment as it passes, a trick that allows us to keep on center as we glide into our future being.

This Ghost also stands in warning!  She is telling us to appreciate what we have in the moment, not to let our time lapse unseen or be taken for granted. Once we grasp this awareness she then has the power to grant us a continually blooming present day Nostalgia, that resonates onward through each reoccurring instant, a constant current into the next and the next, always so soon to come. We step with her into the flow and take the choice to be happy in the here and now, as each strand unfolds, moment by moment.

The Ghost of Christmas Past; ©Robin Davis Photography



For my in-camera illustration of this character I chose Crysta Luke to play the part.



All Text and Images ©2015 Robin Davis