The Haunted Settee

This sofa is not the actual piece of furniture that I am telling you about, but one that I saw on an unpaved part of the Beltline. It reminded me of a story that I was told almost 20 years ago, and never forgot.

My friend Anyes received a call from her friend, who was moving into an apartment in a 1920s era building in Virginia Highlands. She was repainting before she moved in, and the rooms were all empty, except for this one piece of furniture. It was an old Victorian fainting couch that had curiously been left behind. Although very pretty, in amazing condition and of a style she liked, she did not feel comfortable seeing the way it sat in the front room. It had an odd presence, as if it were watching her, but she thought it could perhaps be moved somewhere else and repositioned in another place.

She was working very late, painting the bathroom in the back, and as she was finishing up and preparing to leave, she felt an overwhelming sensation of dread wash over her. It was coming from the front room. There were no working light bulbs where the small sofa sat, backlit by the streetlights outside, as if ominously blocking her path with some type of malevolent energy. She was in a confused panic and wanted to leave, but the only exit path led by the settee. This is crazy she thought, after a long period of feeling trapped, and summoning all her courage, rushed toward the exit, but as she passed by the sofa a tangible wave of vile aura enwrapped her, covering her in chill bumps and making her neck hairs raise. Once she was out and driving away, the sensation started to clear, but it took some time for her heart to stop pounding.

So Anyes went the next day to help, and totally understood why her friend was so apprehensive about returning to the apartment that morning. She described the sofa as exuding a thick and nasty forcefield that led her to wonder if perhaps this lovely antique could contain a murder weapon hidden within or even body parts! Bracing themselves, they got the settee down the stairs, leaving it out by the curb with a sign that read “FREE”. Once removed, the apartment took on a relaxed and peaceful air. After putting together the breakfast Anyes had brought, they sat together to dine on the little balcony, overlooking the street. As cars would pass by, they would slow down, seeing the lovely antique offered there for the taking, and several did stop. A couple got out, and each grabbed a side lifting it up, but then quickly dropped it, got into their car and hurried away. Continuing to sip coffee from their perch, the two girls watched this pattern repeat all morning. Then a white truck arrived, and two big guys got out, easily swinging it up onto the truck bed. But then they both just stood there, stunned and looking at it. After a quick glance at each other with raised eyebrows, they hurriedly drug it back off, replaced it at the curb, and left. But then about 10 minutes later, the same truck returned, the two men hurriedly got out, grabbed and loaded it, and quickly sped off again. The haunted settee was never seen again.