What do Medieval Musicians look like?

Medieval Musicians have the jaunty authenticity of traveling minstrels, wandering from town to town, never stopping, but at home everywhere.

Robin Davis Photography, Cortona Center of Photography, Italy, musician, pipe, smoking, man, medieval, Medieval Musicians, reinactment, festival, italian, italia, Cortona,

They are on a quest to deliver something of great musical importance, a message of wilder notes and harmonies of the past that were originally learned from listening to nature. These are carved wooden sounds from instruments made by people who are still in on the ancient secrets, and these players have the authority to take us back into a much older time.

Robin Davis Photography, Cortona Center of Photography, Medival Music, Medieval Musicians, Italy, Italian, bagpipes, bagpipers, Cortona, Arcidado, Tuscany

These Medieval Musicians are always in Character, and happy to pose of us. Our assignment is not just about photographing our subjects alone, and we are always on the lookout for harmonious shapes and forms, using Cortona’s ancient streets and buildings to add pleasing geometries, tension, and visual interest to the entire image.

For Robin’s photography workshops in Cortona Italy: www.cortonacenter.com




all text and images ©2015 Robin Davis